Hello and welcome to my personal website. I am K'hloi and I have designed this website to help myself access many of my links, projects, services etc... from the outside of my local network, as well as to others.

If you want to learn more about this page, my projects, services, apps... you can use the navbar, click the button below or scroll down.


First of all, welcome to my page. I am (Most commonly known as) K'hloi and this is the website I have created to reunite all my apps, services, projects etc..

The origin of this site originated when I got the need of accessing my own navidrome server (Personal stream of owned music) from outside my local network. To accomplish this, I had to begin setting up an http(s) server on my own Ubuntu small homelab, of which I decided to settle with nginx.
From there, I got the idea to begin learning the basics of Web Deveolpment so as to not only expand my portfolio, but as to create this very site to which I can enter myself from anywhere or refer to any people.

That said, the site will be under development for a while and will get expanded further by the time.
For now all that is working is the navidrome app, but it is limited to myself.

I have left below my most prominent social links.
And I will leave down below, at the end of this page, a TODO list as to mark what are the next steps.



My discord profile where I am active daily. Always open


My personal Github where I upload all my main projects

To come

More to come later on...



  • - Work on ideas to add to page
  • - Work on better styling
  • - Work on TO DO


  • - Revamped flexbox elements design
  • - Added navbar
  • - Added social links
  • - Worked on TO DO (But never fully....)